Albanian Table Tennis Federation
Fédéració Andorrana de Tennis Taula
Armenian Table Tennis Federation
Österreichischer Tischtennis Verband
Azerbaijan Table Tennis Federation
Belarus Table Tennis Federation
Fédération Royale Belge de Tennis de Table
Table Tennis Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Bulgarian Table Tennis Federation
Croatian Table Tennis Association
Cyprus Table Tennis Association
Czech Table Tennis Association
Table Tennis Denmark
Table Tennis England
Estonian Table Tennis Association
Bordtennisamband Foroya
Finnish Table Tennis Association
Fédération Française de Tennis de Table
Table Tennis Federation of Georgia
Deutscher Tischtennis-Bund
Gibraltar Table Tennis Association
Hellenic Table Tennis Federation
Greenland Table Tennis Federation
Guernsey Table Tennis Association
Hungarian Table Tennis Association
Icelandic Table Tennis Association
Irish Table Tennis Association
Isle of Man Table Tennis Association
Israeli Table Tennis Association
Italian Table Tennis Federation
Jersey Table Tennis Association
Table Tennis Federation of Kosovo
Table Tennis Federation of Latvia
Liechtensteiner Tischtennisverband
Lithuanian Table Tennis Association
Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Tennis de Table
Malta Table Tennis Association
Moldova Table Tennis Federation
Fédération Monégasque de Tennis de Table
Table Tennis Association of Montenegro
Nederlandse Tafeltennisbond
North Macedonian Table Tennis Association
Norges Bordtennisforbund
Polish Table Tennis Federation
Federação Portuguesa de Tenis de Mesa
Romanian Table Tennis Federation
Table Tennis Federation of Russia
Federazione Sammarinese Tennistavolo
Table Tennis Scotland
Table Tennis Association of Serbia
Slovak Table Tennis Association
Slovenian Table Tennis Association
Real Federación Espanola de Tenis de Mesa
Swedish Table Tennis Association
Swiss Table Tennis
Türkiye Table Tennis Federation
Ukraine Table Tennis Federation
Table Tennis Wales
The European Table Tennis Union (ETTU) is the governing body of the sport of table tennis in Europe, and is the only authority recognized for this purpose by the International Table Tennis Federation. The ETTU deals with all matters relating to table tennis at a European level, including the development and promotion of the sport in the territories controlled by its 58 member associations, and the organization of continental table tennis competitions, including the European Championships.