Two French players meet again in the TTCLM Round 3 clash Vaillante Sports Angers TT – TTC LIEBHERR Ochsenhausen 0:3 as GAUZY beat European champion LEBESSON in four games
Simon GAUZY didn’t wait too long to take “revenge” on Emmanuel LEBESSON who defeated him in the recent LIEBHERR 2016 ITTF European Championships in Budapest. Two French players met tonight in the TTCLM Round 3 match between Vaillante Sports Angers TT and TTC LIEBHERR Ochsenhausen as German side won away 3:0. GAUZY beat LEBESSON 3:1 (12:14 14:12 11:8 12:10) after Budapest`s gold medal contest in which he lost 4:1 (14:12 9:11 11:7 11:3 11:6).
The 22 year-old French player the oldest member of the Ochsenhausen`s line-up managed to save two set balls in the fourth game concluding this encounter by four consecutive points (8:10 12:10). Both GAUZY and LEBESSON are occupying their best ever spots on the ITTF World Ranking List: GAUZY is No. 14 LEBESSON No. 29.
Jakub DYJAS found himself in a bad situation in the early fifth set against Jens LUNDQVIST who led 6:3 but managed to secure clear 3:0 victory of Ochsenhausen. Simon GAUZY & “Young Guns” now have 2-1 score in the Group A.
The 2013 TTCLM runner-up CHARTRES ASTT beat away SPG WALTER WELS 3:1. Par GERELL provided an early lead beating WANG Jian Jun in four games. Austrian side delivered an amazing answer as World No. 129 Zsolt PETO overcame No. 43 Robert GARDOS after full five games. Serbian player won decisive fifth set after 32 points in total having many excellent serves. In the ultimate point his return clipped the edge of the table.
Joao MONTEIRO brought new lead to his side defeating Mihai BOBOCICA in straight games while GARDOS beat WANG reversing 0:2 scoreline.
TTCLM Round 3
Vaillante Sports Angers TT – TTC LIEBHERR Ochsenhausen 0:3
Jon PERSSON – Yuto MURAMATSU 1:3 (8:11 12:10 10:12 9:11)
Emmanuel LEBESSON – Simon GAUZY 1:3 (14:12 12:14 8:11 10:12)
Jens LUNDQVIST – Jakub DYJAS 2:3 (8:11 11:9 10:12 12:10 9:11)
WANG Jian Jun – Par GERELL 1:3 (5:11 11:7 8:11 11:13)
Zsolt PETO – Robert GARDOS 3:2 (12:10 7:11 6:11 11:7 17:15)
Mihai BOBOCICA – Joao MONTEIRO 0:3 (8:11 10:12 9:11)
WANG Jian Jun – Robert GARDOS 2:3 (12:10 11:2 8:11 10:12 6:11)