On Tuesday 10th August a meeting of the ETTU Executive Board was held virtually under the leadership of President Igor Levitin.
President Levitin welcomed the Executive Board members and congratulated the European table tennis athletes for their performances at the Tokyo Olympic Games and especially the German men’s and women’s teams for their successes. Mr Levitin stressed the importance of the Olympic table tennis competition. Deputy President Pedro Moura reported on his attendance at Tokyo as an ITTF Jury member.
The President welcomed the Hellenic Table Tennis Federation President Konstantinos Papageorgiou and his staff to the meeting. The Executive Board received a detailed report on preparations for the 2021 Pomegranate Europe Top 16 Cup at Thessaloniki on 18thand 19th September 2021 and looked forward to a successful event in Greece.
The Executive Board discussed and agreed the 2022 budget which will be sent to all member Associations and presented to the Congress on 2nd October 2021.
Prize money was agreed for the Gazprom European Team Championships men’s team and women’s team semi-finalists together with a sponsor contribution for all Associations competing at the final stage. It was agreed to set up a number of new awards.
President Levitin thanked members for their contribution  invited the Executive Board to meet on Friday 1st October at Cluj and closed the meeting.