ITTF welcomes Guinea Bissau as its 226th member association
The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) has become the first International Federation to achieve a full house of 226 National Associations after the last & final missing piece on the ITTF world map Guinea Bissau Table Tennis Federation was accepted on 6 May 2017.
This feat means that table tennis has reached all possible countries and territories and built its presence in all corners of the globe.
ITTF President Mr. Thomas WEIKERT was present at the ceremony in Guinea Bissau to give the official welcome into the ITTF family and handed over the ITTF flag to the elected President of the association Ms. Avelina JANDI. He also met the President of the National Olympic Committee Sergio MANÉ and State Secretary for Youth Culture and Sport Tomas BARBOSA.
Watch the video of the celebrations in Guinea Bissau:
“For the ITTF and for myself our small associations have been a clear priority for many years thanks to the dedicated work of the ITTF Development Department. Our focus must now be the empowerment of our smallest and most recent members and through our ITTF Marketing Department have secured the support of Seamaster to achieve this ” shared Mr. WEIKERT at the ceremony.
Celebrating and assisting over 70 children at the ceremony getting in touch with table tennis for the very first time he added “I am very glad to having the possibility to see with my own eyes the situation of an Association starting from zero. This allows me a better understanding of the reality of this type of Associations. Bringing Table Tennis to all parts of the world was a priority for the ITTF and I am really happy to see this process ended but we have to be aware that the challenges don’t end here but rather change the priority into empowering. This will be done with education a key word for the development by implementing Administration Courses to all National Associations who wants to take part and promoting healthy sustainable and autonomous members.”
Upon receiving the ITTF flag from Mr. WEIKERT Ms JANDI stated “It is an honour for me to have received Thomas WEIKERT and Leandro OLVECH in Guinea Bissau. I am highly committed to implementing Table Tennis throughout the country and would like to express my gratitude towards the support received from the ITTF the National Olympic Committee and the State Secretary for Youth Culture and Sport.”