Latvian National Championships
The no. 2 seed Oleg KARTUZOVS beat in the final top seeded Arturs REINHOLDS 4:1 (11:4 14:16 12:10 12:10 12:10) to defend his title at the National Championships of Latvia held this weekend at Kuldigas Sporta Halle. From the Round of 16 KARTUZOVS won all three his matches in straight games. Igors SIDOROVS and Janis CIRULIS shared third spot.
Women`s top seed Antra VINERTE celebrated her fourth title defeating no. 2 Aldona HOMICHA 4:1(9:11 11:8 11:5 11:2 15:13) in the gold medal clash. Viktorija MAJOROVA and Ieva VEJA were semifinalists.
Ina JOZEPSONE and Aldona HOMICHA are women`s double winners. They beat Olga KARTUZOVA and Antra VINERTE 3:1 (7:11 11:6 11:9 11:4).
Men`s Double title belonged to Olegs KARTUZOVS and Leonids MASLOVS who prevailed against Maris KUDA and Janis CIRULIS 3:1 (11:6 5:11 11:2 11:5). KARTUZOVS added one more crown at the Mixed Doubles playing alongside Women`s individual champion Antra VINERTE.
Men`s Singles Semi-final
Oleg KARTUZOVS – Janis CIRULIS 4:0 (11:4 11:4 11:5 11:4) Arturs REINHOLDS – Igors SIDROVS 4:1 (14:12 11:2 4:11 11:4 11:4).
Men`s Singles Final
Oleg KARTUZOVS –Â Arturs REINHOLDS 4:1 (11:4 14:16 12:10 12:10 12:10)
Women`s Singles Semi-final
Antra VINERTE – Viktorija MAJOROVA 4:1 (6:11 11:9 11:2 11:4 11:9 Aldona HOMICHA – Ieva VEJA 4:1 (11:2 8:11 11:4 13:11 11:6).
Women`s Singles Final
Antra VINERTE – Aldona HOMICHA 4:1(9:11 11:8 11:5 11:2 15:13)
Men`s Doubles Final
Olegs KARTUZOVS/Leonids MASLOVS – Maris KUDA/Janis CIRULIS 3:1 (11:6 5:11 11:2 11:5)
Women`s Doubles Final- Olga KARTUZOVA/Antra VINERTE 3:1 (7:11 11:6 11:9 11:4)
Mixed Doubles Final
Olegs KARTUZOVS/Antra VINERTE – Leonids MASLOVS/Anzela OPINCANE 3:0 (11:7 11:8 11:4)