The ITTF CTTA and the LOC have tried to compile and answer the most frequently asked questions about the 2022 ITTF World Team Table Tennis Championships Finals. They will keep the document up to date as needed and as new questions come through and have it updated as they go. The link to the document will remain unchanged so everyone interested can be accessing the latest version available at any time.
The link to the 2022 WTTTC Finals – FAQs v1.
Furthermore the ITTF CTTA and the LOC will be delivering a joint FAQs Online Session as a platform for all participants to ask additional questions or clarifications that may be needed.
Please see below the details for the FAQs Online Session:
Platform: Zoom
Registration Link.
In the meantime please feel free to e-mail in advance any points/questions you would like to discuss so we can include them in a preliminary agenda.
The ITTF CTTA and the LOC welcome everyone to this interactive session and ensure you once more that the ITTF CTTA and the LOC are working daily to ensure everyone attending the Event will be having a great experience.
The ITTF CTTA and the LOC are working on developing a “Travel Guide” which will contain important information to assist with your travel preparations from/to your country of origin/residence to/from the travel hubs as well as contact details for assistance on the travel days.