The 2022 ETTU Extraordinary Congress was held on Tuesday 6th December in Amman (JOR). 40 member Associations were represented with 26 present in Amman and 14 online.
Due to the delayed closure and return of the delegates who were also attending the ITTF AGM which was held earlier on the same day the ETTU Extraordinary Congress start had to be delayed and consequently the agenda was shortened.
The Congress approved the 2023 ETTU Budget as well as the audit company PKF Audit & Conseil SÃ rl.
The Acting President announced that the Secretary General Richard Scruton will retire from his position by the end of 2022 and thanked him for his 9 years of great service to ETTU.
Mr Scruton thanked all members for the good cooperation which was returned by a warm and long round of applause.
After closure of the Extraordinary Congress the 2023 European Under 21 Championships co-operation agreement was signed with Bosnia-Herzegovina TTF’s President Mirsad Pajevic.